Chi - Qi - Ki, Oh My!

Breathe, the concept is tied to breathing and how our breathe relates to the myriad functions of the body such as the circulatory system, fuel consumption and physiokinetics, etc.

How we breathe is critical to that process, i.e., shallow chest breathe vs. deep slow diaphragmatic belly breathing 😮‍💨. 

The one aspect of the human body is its necessity to take in air and expel bad gases from the body and all other functions rely on breathing. Stop breathing and within minutes one faces death, total loss of the energies that allow life to exist. After all, when born the very first act is to trigger our breathing.

Considering the ancients in regard to the times and that breath or breathing means life or death it seems logical they would tie it to energy to energize living things. It’s the human drive to give things greater meaning, complexity, than is necessary or required but considering the time of the ancients they actually got it simple and correct considering the state of medicine and science of those times.

Let’s dive into the deep end of the ocean, here is a most excellent description of breathing:

This next article takes a closer look at how the different aspects of breathing function, knowledge of these aspects will enlighten us to the true meaning of “Ki.”

Training and practice as well as everyday living will enhance, develop and achieve health and abilities and that means the application of our martial prowess.

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