
Karada [体]

Body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, or a combination type.

ectomorph: Generally thin and lean, ectomorphs tend to have slender waists, narrow hips and shoulders, small joints, and long legs and arms. They tend to be slim, without much body fat or noticeable muscle mass. Because they have fast metabolisms, they burn calories quickly, so ectomorphs may find themselves hungry frequently throughout the day; yet, regardless of what, how often, or how much they eat, they don’t gain weight or muscle easily.

mesomorph: Naturally muscular, mesomorphs typically have moderate-size frames, with wider shoulders and a narrow waist, strong arms and legs, and modest amounts of body fat.

endomorph: Because they have a medium-to-large bone structure and more body fat than the other types, women who are endomorphs are often described as curvaceous or full-figured, while endomorphic men might be considered stocky, doughy, or round. Endomorphs usually have narrow shoulders and wider hips, and carry any excess weight in the lower abdomen, hips, and thighs.

In reality, most of us are a combination of these three types. In the dojo, I advocate the practitioners learn their type the train with that in mind because one can achieve “optimal” health, fitness and capability by staying within that type, i.e., weight, energy levels, etc.

Social athletic pressures to perform and to attain a certain musculature, etc., tends to send one off into a cycle that far exceeds what nature intended in the genetics we are born with at birth.

In my early days it was being strong, stronger than others, leading to bulking up in size as to body, body weight and musculature, “body building!” The term toady is, “muscle bound!”

This often involved consuming absorbent amounts of foods, supplements and even drugs, i.e., steroids or steroid-like supplements.

In truth, the more energy consumed to reach that level of development, the more energy is with held in the body to run the system and the less generated for application in all endeavors outside the body be it sports or self-defense methods and methodologies in conflicts. It also applies in what energy and power one has available if the endeavor goes for longer periods of time. 

A body built beyond its inherent body type will consume far more energy leaving less energy available to apply in the world.

To me, body building is to build a body within the parameters of one’s body type. It may not be a Mr. Universe Arnold body, but you will benefit far more by building within the type over trying to fit a model of body pushed by an industry based on the perception of others, etc.

If that doesn’t make you think, picture in your mind that late, Bruce Lee! Need i say more …

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