Time Zones (OODA Stuff)

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In karate and other martial endeavors we learn how time effects our abilities to cope with a variety of situations, especially in regard to self-defense. We already know about such concepts, or principles, as perceptions, beliefs, biases and dissonances, etc., and how they influence and effect our minds thus our bodies and spirit.

In the Chinese arena we learned about how times throughout the day and night tend to effect us, our bodies and minds, resulting in changes of our spirit. The Chinese regard the connection between harmony in nature and its effects, both ways, to the time of the day. They regard said times to organs in one’s bodies. Example: Liver for 1am to 3am; stomach 7am to 9am; heart 11am to 1pm and so on. It isn’t just about the organs.

See: https://tinyurl.com/msxan9m4 for more information.

All humans exist on a hourly circadian clock, an internal clock if you will. We also already know about the Meridian’s and how they effect the mind, emotions, and body throughout the day and night. Now we have another aspect, principle, to consider as to its effects so when we encounter dangers that we need to address we can understand that our personal perceptions, our psychological sense, of time throughout the day, as we relate it to the circadian/meridian clock we can act accordingly. Here is some more information on this time zone/perception concept.

"People live in different time zones or perceptions, our psychological sense of time, our time perspective, plays a key role in virtually every decision we make. Our time perspectives come from our day- to-day experiences and these experiences determine our actions as well as what we have pre-determined the outcome will be." - see below link

I feel that the reference to time zones has layered meaning to it. The time zones we live in such as eastern vs. central. Then the time zone of each day be it morning, afternoon or night, etc. This may be the reasoning, or part of it anyway, why in combat that time just before the break of dawn is best for attacking as humans, in general, are at their weakest, for many reasons. 

Then we need to consider how our experiences, beliefs, biases and dissonances are created, changed or trained due to our perceptions from our time zones. Some of us are ‘morning persons’ and some ‘night owls’ and this also effects our perceptions not just of time zones or times but how time passes, what effects (think adrenal chemical dump) our time perceptions and how we can train and practice to take more control over the seemingly uncontrollable. 

If all our accumulated time experiences also effect our thinking and actions it seems reasonable to test, retest and train/practice in ways to gain more control over those principles. 

"A personal sense of psychological time influence all your decisions, little ones as well as major ones, without your awareness? It is a major paradox. Some of our decisions are impacted by the immediate situation we are in, what we are feeling, what others are doing and telling us to do, what the desirable thing looks like and smells like - Life in Present Hedonistic land. Other decisions ignore all the immediate stuff and focus on the past, on memories of similar situations whether positive or negative. Still others are all about future consequences of current actions, what do we gain, what might we lose or risk." - see below link

Decision making is critical to self-defense for the incorrect decision means the difference between avoidance, avoiding physical and legal, and grave harm. The encounter and how we perceive it means the difference between surprise and overwhelming adrenal effects or a calmer controled decision making process, i.e., think OODA or what we observe and how that is affected and how it effects the third stage; observe so we can determine normal vs. abnormal; and this all important stage or level of decision. The action stage will be driven in the decision state and all these principles or concepts will effect one way or another that decision followed immediately by action.

"These are the big three time perspectives that mentally guide our actions silently down totally different paths, sometimes for good fun, sometimes to avert disaster, and sometimes to chart a successful direction." - see below link

For additional information and clarification read: 


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