Chinkuchi - The Concept

I make use of the concept that is referred to as, "Chinkuchi." I know this because I have researched and researched and researched the concept as studied by those who have come before me. There is very little information published or taught on the concept. The few who do discuss it do so in a manner that just doesn't really provide a fact based explanation, not definition such as sinew, bone, etc. a three word definition, that informs those who are curious and serious as to this concept in karate.

I have come across only one or two other explanations that do a good job of "hinting" to what chinkuchi is as a concept applied through the practice and application of martial disciplines, especially Isshinryu karate. 

I have observed personally and via media those who profess to have and teach chinkuchi so along with other research came to my conclusion of what chinkuchi is and that is provided through the following linked articles I have written on the subject. 

Note: I do like Jesse Encamp's, the Karate Nerd, explanation...

Note: for a comprehensive listing of all my articles, study results, on this concept go to: and use the search feature in the upper left corner of the page by typing in "chinkuchi" without the quotes and begin reading. It is the only site I have found that spends as much time, effort and resources on the concept of chinkuchi. The six links above are just my teasers…

In a nutshell, chinkuchi is an ancient (depending on your interpretation of ancient) term that attempts to explain the concept as, 

"The study, training, application and understanding of fundamental principles underlying all martial arts regardless of system, style, culture and/or origins."

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