Making Technique Work

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In my most recent participation in a thread there was one partial statement made that said to me, "Hmmm, that just sounds wrong." The partial statement was, "the ability to make a technique work." That just seems so WRONG in so many ways of my mind. The last thing I want is a method that I had to MAKE IT WORK because to my mind and how I understand and interpret training and practice is this, "If I have to make it work" then will that forced effort actually ALLOW it to work. 

There are so many obstacles of both the mind and body that you have to face in self-protection for self-defense it seems counter intuitive to make or FORCE yourself to do something in the HOPES that it will work. I would prefer to allow something to feel good, have fun with and through appropriate training and practices "ease it into a category where it was easy to learn and flowed easily into appropriate scenario's where it worked because it works. 

I don't want to force or make something work because my mind, as all human minds do, will create a type of bias that will simply confirm my wants rather than create a creative thing my mind embraces without the negativity of force or making it work. 

When a stimulus is encountered the objective is to allow one's mind and memory to create a response naturally and without obstacles of the mind due to force or making it work. I don't want good technique, I want a creative methodology that was fun and eased itself into all types of training and practice scenario's so that when the proverbial shit hits the fan, assuming I was unable to avoid or deescalate, etc., it remains hidden in that part of the mind that wasn't fun, was always allusive and may or may not get triggered when truly needed. 

Techniques are not reality for reality is chaos and violence is chaos and conflicts are unpredictable and not set to any pattern or technique but to the chaos of fear, surprise and damage. The ONLY constant is fear, surprise and damage while all else 'depends' and I would rather have fun learning something that I didn't have to make or force  and to fool myself, to delude myself, into thinking just because I did it a thousand times even when bored and without thinking would MAKE IT WORK. In reality, in conflict and in violent situations you CAN'T MAKE IT WORK. 

For reference and sources and professionals go here: Bibliography (Click the link)

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