
By the time you read this post you will have experienced one of the poorest judgement calls any expert in the martial arts can make, i.e. put themselves directly in front of the crosshairs of the legal system - The Renzo Gracie Tweet Fiasco.

Read Wim DeMeere's Posts HERE and HERE and HERE 

If you practice, teach or use martial arts or any physical discipline and expect it to be your self-defense posture you really do have to accept consciously your "Judgement" capabilities. I wonder sometimes in self-defense how often the subject comes up and is discussed and taught and trained in such situations.

I am not here to post on what should you should not have occurred but rather to remind anyone who will listen that such things are important where "judgement" is critical in any self-defense situation. 

Just sayin ...... read also "Handen [判断]"


  1. I've seen a few posts on this situation - and it is bad for Renzo, IMHO. Judgement is right; his seems to have been a bit faulty, but...

    Hats off to you for stepping in to the fray :-)

  2. Hi, Felicia: Thanks for your comment. I wanted to address the situation from a slightly different perspective/perception.
