Blogs and Posts and Comments - Oh My!

Ahem, listen up folks. What happened here. Much like the material in a post I read I dileberatly allowed some monkey dance drive my bus and responded with a blast to "straighten the person out" that resulted from what my monkey brain perceived as damage - the kind that cannot be photographed and the kind that leaves no discernible injuries or threat of death.

So, what did I accomplish? Nothing of significance. I accomplished a self-fulfilling ego driven prideful response that was meant only for me, myself and I. Did it teach this other person anything? Not a damn thing. Did it cause the possibility of a continuance of this monkey dance? Yep, if they read this blog and decided to respond in a comment.

What should I have actually done? Nothing. Nothing especially if I had no additional information that would be helpful and encouraging. Nothing that could be done if it did not accomplish a change that could be done with me slowly and gently and with minimal disruption. It was not with any positive phrasing. It was not kind nor necessary.

Why do it? Lessons in life are sometimes hard to bear. Digging a hole and hiding your head from any input, any advice since advice was asked for, and any growth for growth can only be achieved through knowledge which means you see everything, hear everything, feel everything, touch and taste things to learn and assimilate new knowledge that even if it seems to be not applicable can be a thread to those things that are applicable.

So, lets turn this off now and go back to the "exchange" of idea's, feelings, and knowledge for the purpose of growing and becoming a better person. Lessons, Lessons, Lessons are just like practice, practice, practice. After all violence comes from the inability to communicate in a syntonic fashion promoting disharmony that escalates to physical altercations and predatory behaviors.


  1. I DO actually want to hear your opinion on the matter, and would be open to reading what you have to say if you are willing to read my new post. I tried to clarify the questions and present them in such a way as to avoid the possibility of being emotionally compromised by the responses.

    Either way, I usually enjoy your comments and feel it would be silly for you never comment on my blog again. Best of luck to you and your endeavors in the future, whatever they may be. :)

  2. SG: Absolutely will read your post. I made my point in my two posts.

    Emotional involvement does a plethora of things to individuals of which none of us is immune even when we are aware and practice.

    These things take work which involves "seeing," "hearing," and "grasping" all the relevant facts be they positive or negative.

    The most difficult hurdle I have to overcome on a daily basis is to grasp the negative and seek out the positive.

    The never ending contest.

  3. SG: Read your new post. Unable to comment for some reason.
