Physical Damage vs. Mental Damage

Which would be worse on a person, physical or mental damage?

It occurred to me that part of the consideration of a person taking up a self-defense system is asking themselves such questions. It occurred to me that I had never asked myself that question.

I already know that if put into a crises where I had to take a physical act to prevent damage I would do so. I now take into consideration the repercussions that now include which type of damage is the worst and do I want to allow myself to go there.

I can say that the physical damage if far worse. What, you say. Well remember that any physical damage you receive includes all those mental things that damage as well. I am not advocating that you allow for mental abuse, it does a considerable amount of mental damage. I am saying I know that if I decide to take it to the physical level there will be a lot more damage.

If you trained properly any verbal attacks can be handled and deescalated with minimal damage to self and hopefully to the threat. If you fail to deflect and avoid then both parties will suffer both damages. How much of each is dependent on a variety of factors unique to each situation.

Only one caveat, damage duration and healing are different. If you take this into consideration then the mental damage can be greater than physical or physical-mental. Your monkey brain can keep dredging the event up and into the conscious mind causing more stress and its effects. It can even lead to death by some means including your own hands. A conundrum, if this is true then for that person the physical-mental reverts to the worse because long after the body heals the mind will continue to exacerbate the mental damage.

Quite a infinite loop effect don't you agree. I have considered this and would give myself permission to take it to the physical. I still promote as my primary protection to be aware-and-avoid-or-deescalate or a combination until some thing forces me to go to the next level. I am prepared that if it does occur I will endure and live.


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