I have a trait. That trait involves mentoring practitioner(s) in the system of karate I refer to as Isshinryu. In the beginning I was pretty much free spirited, i.e. if someone wanted to participate in the training hall I was all for it even if they participated haphazardly and intermittently. After all, if they desired a colored belt then they either applied themselves to achieve this in a certain amount of time or they didn't and waited longer. Their choice.
I have a trait. That trait is not conducive to any type of training that involves remunerations. It is now a trait that is not conducive to the current state of martial arts practice and instruction - mostly, there are exceptions.
I have a trait. That trait is a high requirement to participate in the training hall. I have a trait. That trait says if you don't plan on participating fully, completely, and will due diligence then don't participate. No excuses, participate or not, your choice. I feel wholeheartedly that to get involved in classical/traditional training and practice takes a type of commitment that most don't either understand or don't wish to commit to. I have the trait that this type of training and practice is serious, period.
I have a trait. If you come and participate and are not of this mind then I will not give you much time. If it persists beyond a couple of sessions I won't waste any time on you at all, period. I would rather spend effort on a person who is hungry to learn, to study, to practice and to spend the time and effort to progress. If you are not willing, don't bother.
My dojo, when active, remained at a level of three and maybe four folks who were dedicated and diligent. Today, I believe no one would actually come to the training hall and remain longer than fifteen minutes - gone, bye-bye, and good riddance. I also firmly believe there are those out there of similar mind that if I came into their dojo I may not remain. There are some who take this far and above my level. This is good. If I don't have the commitment, etc. then I don't need to be there either.
I have a trait. That trait is why I am retired from instruction in the training hall. Outside the venue's I used when active there are none who would provide space for me to teach/instruct/mentor - why? - because they would feel my method a waste time. It does not cater to the sporting aspects, the commercialism, and the possible profits those may bring. This is also good, don't need it, don't want it, and never did.
I have a trait. Participate - don't participate. Make a decision and move on.
p.s. maybe why I don't have a dojo now, ya thunk.
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