Martial Spirit

Budō seishin 武道精神

A state of mind that reflects the character (attitude/frame of mind) of a person that influences (quality of effort) their training and practice (proper and appropriate enthusiasm)of their martial art. 

Spirit - disposition of mind or outlook: a special attitude or frame of mind: a lively or brisk quality in a person or a person's actions: a mental disposition characterized by firmness or assertiveness: enthusiastic psychological and physical effort put into a study, training and practice: 

So, how does one define martial spirit of a group or individual who participates in a system or style of martial discipline or methodology? The answer, “it depends!”

Each dojo; each system; each style; each Sensei; each governing body; and each individual must define what martial spirit means to them.

What is very important is any use of the term must include the users definition so the person or persons on the receiving end can understand the intent of its usage otherwise that person does not fall into assuming the intent of the terms usage.

It boils down to “words, their meaning and the users intent” matter especially when used in written forms or other media like social formats like Twitter and Facebook.

Users must also be prepared to provide definitions and or explanations as to their intent in these various communication forms because everyone perceived and interprets according to their beliefs, experiences and expectations.

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