OT: Pandemic Layered Safety

What is layered safety? It is the same as layered security where one provides multiple security concepts that interlock and independently maintain a security posture, environment and protection that increases the difficulty of someone gaining entrance to a secured valuable location, etc.

Layered safety is based on this principle where multiple measures are taken that by themselves only provide a limited safety zone of protection while a layered model takes three or more measures that when layered take up the faults of each layer ensuring that the person is safe. In this case, the layered safety measures of the Pandemic. 

  • First, individual attitude toward social safety.
  • Second, mask-up 😷, any face covering will do it.
  • Third, distancing of six feet.
  • Fourth, avoid close spaced environments except as “required!”

The first layer is protection from others as well as protection of oneself from the virus gaining entry into one’s body in amounts that would result in infection, hospitalization and possible grave long-term harm including the possibility of death. 

It must be remembered that one’s attitude determines how well and to what degree one takes to protect themselves, their families, their loved ones that includes friends and associates, and others (being society in and of itself as a collective). 

A positive attitude of empathy and morality and ??? of self leads to the same feeling and attitude toward others who make up the fabric of our society.  It is the only way for our species to survive especially under attack from “Nature Herself” in the form of a dangerous virus. Someone once say, “The meek shall inherit the Earth,” and to our perceptions something like a microscopic virus feels meek in it nature even when it is deadly. 

Wearing a mask properly is very difficult and this is why they use layered health and safety requirements as you already see herein so all masks when layered with other health and safety measures creates a layer of safety that makes it “ALMOST” impossible to be infected and, even in an asymptomatic state, to infect others. 

You see, to ensure masks to the entire job is a social public way is literally impossible so layering makes perfect sense. As a former, retired, physical security manager for a very large institution the only was to ensure security is by the layered approach. It works the same in this medical pandemic situation. 

Wearing the mask therefore must have other measures to ensure the entire spectrum of possible infections are caught before they infect. That brings us to the next measure or layer.

Distancing alone, as with masks, will not do it either so if you think maintaining six feet means you don’t have to wear a mask, think again. The mask cannot completely and comprehensively keep our breath and what it carries out of our bodies from passing easily the six foot distance (rule). The mask stops some and the mask slows down the energy and speed necessary to go the distance, the six feet, so that together the two pretty much ensures those who adhere to the rules or layers or measures have a solid chance and ability to avoid infection. This brings us to one of the main ways infections are happening, big time!

The fourth layer is about avoiding closed in spaces that have little or now air circulation to pull air from the space and to pull in fresh air into said space taking any particulates out of the space. Them we limit the number of folks in that same space and hopefully those will allow are in that groups “bubble” of relatively safe folks to be around. Regardless, wear the mask and try hard to maintain six foot distance. 

Here again, the first layer comes into play because our attitudes must be of such a positive empathy oriented state of mind that keeps our diligence high so we don’t inadvertently in the moment drop our guard, or our layers, to expose ourselves at levels that lead to infection. 

There are more layers of safety for the pandemic like I mentioned about the “bubbles of safe-folks” we include and socialize with so we don’t suffer from “cabin fever” so to speak. This is critical because with the long-term need to remain diligent in maintaining our layered safety zones having some measure of meeting our needs, socially, must exist, it is about species, your, survival, right? 

Now, i just threw this all together so that some, who may not realize how important layered safety is in the pandemic, might come to realize that regardless of how we feel as to how it personally effects the life style we live, it means survival of us all socially, morally and being alive to enjoy life, now and in the future - especially for the future. 

Now is the time to be smart. When I was asked about my mask and being a fearless Marine (as if being a fearless Marine gives me some special protection) why would I wear a mask? I answered, “Marines are FEARLESS, but we are NOT STUPID!”

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