Handling the Mask People

Most of us can agree that wearing a mask is a good and beneficial and safe thing to do. 

When some folks do not wear a mask we can find ourselves in very uncomfortable situations and that opens the door to possible aggressions and even violence.

What I advocate in any situation when observing others to find a mask-less person you handle this the same way as any other possibly volatile situation - first, avoid!

Remember, it is about one’s beliefs and if the person is NOT wearing a mask you should assume it is because of their beliefs and NOTHING YOU SAY OR DO will change that belief, especially with strangers. If you confront them they will respond to protect and defend their beliefs JUST LIKE YOU are defending you position/belief by confronting them. 

I recommend highly the only action you can take in these volatile and dangerously stressful times is to avoid the person altogether. Do NOT confront them by words or negative body language and micro-expressions. Keep your social distance and check your mask to cover you face properly!

Let them go about their business because if you do decide to say something then you become part of the problem when they react negatively and pursuing it can lead to violence resulting in possible grave harm and even death.

Remember, nothing and I mean nothing you say or do is going to matter to this person and instigating a confrontation simply increases your exposure to the very thing you are trying to protect yourself from - CONTAMINATION!!!! Spittle is bad enough but other bodily fluids often present during violence is just plain STUPID!

Do not succumb, let it go and remain at socially safe distance till you or they leave that environment - IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

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