Why Twitter

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

When I decided to move from Facebook to another form of social media to send out philosophical-esque information on karate, martial arts and self-protection/defense it occurred to me that twitter may fit the bill. The main benefit so far is it mandates you post in so many characters and that forces, me as a writer if you will, one to be terse, exact and to communicate in the fewest words possible that actually convey a thought, idea or theory. It forces you to reduce the clutter of words. 

Another aspect I find of interest, you build that terse short thought, idea or theory, etc., much like the news media, newspapers, use to do long ago, i.e., the entire concept in the first paragraph and then the reader, if interested, can go on to read the rest of the article. In twitter, you can blog an entire article then write the tweet as the first descriptive information and finally put a link to the blog in it in case a person wants to read more. 

To me and my mind, you tweet to get attention and interest and then they can read more - IF THEY WANT TO - instead of today's news you get the headline then find out that to get the facts behind that headline you have to read the entire, long, boring article because today they stopped the first paragraph paraphrased comments on the headline. Does that make sense? 

Anyway, I find being forced to write short, terse, prose if you will a challenge, as you can see by this article/posting, to finesse and fine-tune my ability to write short, concise and terse comments, articles and posts. This is the first posting I am attempting to do just that. “Creative but terse philosophical meanderings of the mind if you will.” 

For reference and sources and professionals go here: Bibliography (Click the link)

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