Rhythmic Repetitive Practices

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Changing the brain's firing pattern is done through a combination of thought and action, movement if you will, and is responsible for the initiation of things like discipline, etc. We have the ability to remodel our brains through training and practice, to change the wiring in our skills by engaging in some activity that is unfamiliar, novel to you, but RELATED to that skill. Why? Because "simply repeating" the same activity only maintains the established connections and to bolster those skills through one's creativity circuitry you have to engage in similar, yet different, actions and thoughts to truly master the skills. 

Examples like, doing puzzles to strengthen your spatial skills, writing posts and articles, etc., to boost one's language or word skills, and debating to strengthen one's reasoning skills. I like to play certain mind games on my phone to engage, train, and strengthen my perceptive and spatial skills because those same skills are trained and understood in my practices of martial karate skills. 

Then there are those "challenging activities" we should engage in to expand and strengthen neural connections our brains created for the skills we learn in the dojo. This is where one's play comes in, as long as intent is of one's focus in that activity, through sport or competitive activities. 

All this to encode skills in the motor tasks so they become routine then once encoded in subcortical areas, where they will reside in a more automatic mode or program waiting to be triggered in training, in practice and most importantly in application in the reality of the world of violence. 

Once stored in this "lower memory" it becomes hard wired and don't let that phrase, hard-wired, fool you because although in the auto-hard-wired state of the mind it must be refreshed on a regular basis to remain primed and available if the proper triggers are tripped. 

It is this process that when understood allows us to perceive and act, movement with visualization with words, on that knowledge of understanding so we can plan, play and move with intent in ways that promote, store, encode and AUTOMATE skills and methodologies necessary for our survival in an often violent world. 

Rhythmic, timed, repetitive, play-enabled types of concepts when applied lead to expertise, mastery and the innate ability to act, move, in ways that ensure one's personal and social survival. 

Void, that instance that separates simple repetitive practice from the reality of the world application of methodologies is critical. Simple practice without bridging that void is, as you already know, is merely dancing. stimulus-to-trigger is where the void resides.

For reference and sources and professionals go here: Bibliography (Click the link)

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