Using the Challenge Pushup Bars

Using the Challenge Pushup Bars

First and foremost, always seek professional guidance before attempting any new discipline such as this. I recommend extreme caution and follow these steps at a minimum: 
  1. Make sure you are able to perform “regular” hands on the floor pushups before going to step 2, i.e., the ability to perform at minimum fifty repetitions of regulation standard/regular pushups. 
  2. Obtain a set of pushup bars that have a four leg stability configuration so you can go deeper into the pushups and then practice this until you can perform fifty regulation deep standard pushups. 
  3. Create you own double legged chinkuchi-esque bars and practice until you can do twenty to forty regulation deep chinkuchi pushups without incident. 
  4. Create your short novice single legged challenge pushup bars as depicted in the graphics below and practice until you can do twenty to forty regulation deep challenge single-leg pushups without incident.
  5. Create your short professional single legged challenge pushup bars as depicted in the graphics below and practice until you can do twenty to forty regulation deep challenge single-leg pushups without incident.
The four point pushup bar, best used after step one performing regular military style pushups!
A must if you are using any pushup bar off grass or dirt area's and on solid area's such as wood floors or cement or pavement, etc. This is critical to reduce the chances of injuries if you slip using the challenge/chinkuchi pushup bars. 
Click for larger readable version. Remember, USE ONLY UNDER PROPER EXPERIENCED SUPERVISION!!!
Less challenging then the "challenge pushup bars" but still a real challenge to use. Use with caution and under experienced supervision!
NOTE: compare the bars and note that although similar some of the traits of one will change the dynamics will occur even if of an insignificant amount, degree and/or level. 

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