Mental -n- Physical

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Do we take the mental for granted? Do we express platitudes on the mental while not actually training the mental with intent? These and other questions come to mind when I see platitudes expressed about how we train our bodies, minds and spirits in the name of our martial efforts and I wonder if we actually train the mind with intent especially in karate and in self-protection intentions because what I have seen, experienced and conclude is that we give the mental parts nothing other platitudes and other lip-services. 

Now, many of the readers here are already loading the canon fodder to toss my way and you may want to read on first because what I am talking about is creating a training and practice program that actually intentionally works to train the mind from academics to the psychological that manifest when in conflict and facing violence. 

As you already know the physical speaks to our minds and our minds lead our bodies and we know the mind and body, i.e., the mental and physical, both work in a yin/yang means and that is good. Most martial disciplines like karate, in general because many are not of this ilk, tend to speak of such mind-states but have NO programs, lessons, or applicable training efforts that train our minds both mentally as in academic and importantly a psychological way. There is so much to achieving a strong, stable and proper mind-set/mind-state that it should be given its due in the program we train in for martial skills and prowess yet... we don't - mostly.

You can imagine that if you had not done the necessary lessons and gained the necessary experiences how our minds can lock up our bodies regardless of the body physical training, i.e., in karate its called technique-based training. 

How does one train the mind, exposure + experience because to gain experience you have to be exposed to either the actual stimuli or something that closely relates to that actual stimuli, i.e., things that trigger our emotions and our adrenal chemical releases and so on as just one example. 

The best way to do that is through academia efforts, i.e., research to find those whose experiences are related directly to the very objectives you desire such as those traits and stimulus and experiences that in self-protection deal with "all the consequences and ramifications and effects" of conflict/violence. 

As you can imagine and probably already know there is a balance in this and achieving balance is critical to success and skill development, physical and psychological, and as example think 'fear-based actions and reactions'. Going into everything based on fear is detrimental to success but a healthy understanding and assessment system deters a fear-based perspective to a more beneficial fear-control that is efficient and appropriate to the situations involved. 

As our society moves forward, hopefully evolves in a positive way, it is clear that more folks will end up facing conflicts and violences of all levels with little or no understanding, let alone appropriate training and practice, as to how one handles such things and this is where the psychological comes into play. If you know something, if you understand that something and if you have applicable ways and actions to deal with it appropriately reducing conflict and removing both the threat of and actions of violence then when it hits it won't be a surprise and it will 'trigger' those actions and deeds and mind-states that will allow you to be successful. 

It's easy, easier, to do the easy, technique-based often as you know inappropriate training and practices, stuff and that separation from reality is where we often end up in trouble because inappropriate behaviors and their consequences are how we end up gravely hurt, economically and socially and psychologically damaged and/or dead.

Some things to meditate on!

For reference and sources and professionals go here: Bibliography (Click the link)

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