Why Karate Self-Defense Don't Work

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Many of the self-defense programs of karate involve a technique-based model where one does a certain attack and the other does a certain reactive response. This is a solid beginner’s model to teach certain principles and I often tell folks that what is being taught is not directly related to what it takes to make things work in self-protection, i.e., self-defense of a real predatory type of attack, etc. 

What is wrong with it, what often feels and hurts and produces pain tells the mind that it is working, it is effective and it must get the job done if I am ever attacked and because of this a lot of not so effective and useful skills are taught and encoded into one’s mind. 

The missing link is adrenal stress-based scenario’s that trigger the chemical dump into the body. If that is missing and the mind is calm and the body is open then even the simplest of pain inducing methods will feel, seem and tell the mind… “IT WORKS!” This is why when the rubber meets the road in an attack a lot of folks will soon find that what they felt worked … doesn’t and that is a real shame. 

Many, many, many techniques not tested in the fire of violence will feel, be seen and be assumed and perceived as a good method or technique but when the effects of the stresses of the proverbial combat situation hits a lot of that will simply bounce off like rubber bullets hitting armor. You won’t even notice. 

As example, as an experienced martial artist doing “ville-patrol” in Kin Village outside of Camp Hansen one weekend in mid to late 1979 had to deal with a drunk and violent Marine on liberty. There is this one technique taught that was supposed to debilitate even an inebriated Marine to a controllable state and when I applied it, nothing and it took me and two other Marines on duty to hold the guy down till the MP’s arrived and cuffed the Marine. 

During practice, having a bunch of fun while we were at it, we applied the technique on each practitioner as them on us and it dropped us like a sack of potatoes. Two things, because our sensei said it worked; his first demo showed it working and since all of us were in a suggestible state of compliance and influence we all began to practice and apply said technique. Remove the power of suggestion; remove the influence power of a sensei; add in the alcohol of one participant and the adrenal stress induced mind of self in a real and dangerous situation then those chemicals caused all sorts of affects and effects on both parties resulting in total and complete failure of the technique causing us to fall back on the tried and true… gang up on the guy, hold him safely in a submission state and wait for the calvary. 

This example also speaks to using sport competition as a means and proof of its applicability in real self-defense protection models and methodologies. Yes, adrenal stress conditions are there in sport competitions. It helps a huge amount by introducing and exposing one to adrenal stress conditioned effects on both parties and because it is sport it does NOT induce the same reactions and effects predatory violence does in the streets. It helps a lot to take you closer but due to rules and other safety mandates of sport there are simply way too many variables of self-defense not addressed in the sport concepts.

There is this huge step that must be taken even with a ton of sport adrenal stress oriented experiences because it tends to fall back on that self-defense technique taught that is NOT used in sports meaning you should revisit the first part of this article again. 

There are tons of benefits to be gotten both in SD courses and Sports AND you can imagine and may already know that there is this huge divide that you must consciously take to apply appropriate, strongly express the term APPROPRIATE, legal and socially accepted methods and forces to protect and defend in a self-defense defense… a defense both in the street to stop the damage and the defense you and your expert attorney apply in the legal street-like system or environment that is as or more dangerous than an predatory attacker on the street. 

For reference and sources and professionals go here: Bibliography (Click the link)


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