
Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I have written a huge amount on this subject and one can imagine that defining chinkuchi in the accepted terse simplistic form does not do it justice. You probably already know that is the reason for my research, study and writings on the topic. 

One thing is for sure, if you assume the term and its terse definition is the end all term and demonstration of power in karate and martial disciplines, then you are missing out on true karate power through principles that actually enhance the definition of the term, chinkuchi.

When you look to the fundamental principles, especially physiokinetic's, and associate it with chinkuchi then you can also see how two other terms, to start, actually are, as one karate luminary speaks of in his teachings on the topic, necessary to make true power...chinkuchi+Gamaku+Koshi and along with things like movement of the body mass, drop step punching and others stuff found and referenced in other articles on the topic you can imagine the complex and complications of using only the one term to learn, teach, practice, train and apply martial disciplines physically to achieve power and force. 

You see, as example, when you say you get power through the dynamic instant-tension of muscles, tendons and ligaments, etc., you tend to ignore how structure, alignment, energy bleed off, balance and many other principles apply to power generation as a holism of karate methodologies. One of the most beneficial and main producer of power and force is actually movement of one’s mass in appropriate ways that actually achieves that goal of great force, power and energy transference. 

The one article I have found to date that comes closest to explaining this phenomena is the one written by Dan Smith Sensei in his article on the topic of Chinkuchi found at Fighting Arts do Com. He actually refers to traits and concepts of theory, physiokinetic’s, technique(s), and philosophy that embrace and contain all the fundamental principles actually involved in proficient and efficient energy use and generation and application of force, power and energy to ‘get-r-done’.

Bibliography (Click the link)

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