Tatsuo-san and the Education System

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Tatsuo-san was born, "September 19, 1908," making his school years an exposure to the educational karate classes instituted into those educational systems on or about the year(s), 

"Could it be that Tatsuo-san used what he was exposed to in his early years within the educational system of Okinawa. 

After all, he would have attended during the early nineteen hundreds, i.e. the education version of karate was fully implemented between 1905 and 1906 as evident in the historical submission of Andreas Quast through his book, “Karate 1.0.”

Since all of Okinawa, due to the push by Japan, pushed martial arts along with other health and fitness disciplines described as military gymnastics, etc., into the educational systems starting in the late 1800’s to full implementation in 1905/06. Mr. Quast provides some pretty good historical information to support this type of endeavor.

If I am correct then karate was more sport than combative systems and that what we have come to in todays version of sport or supotsu karate is actually a modern version of what they taught and learned back in the day."

Is it possible that Tatsuo-san being exposed to the educational system of karate kept that teaching as a basis of his endeavor to find the more effective karate thus leading to his studies under the three influential masters of local karate where he lived? Is it possible that when the military began showing up at his dojo to learn karate that he gave it some considerable contemplative thought and then used the educational version taught to him in school to pass on to our military folks? Is it possible that his educational version, assuming the military at the time never made the connection, was assumed the “real karate?” 

Consider this, Tatsuo-san initially provided those leaving after a year high ranked certificates, along with his dojo-kun and gokui, indicating that after so many years of continued study and practice were to then become effective that his intent was not just to continue studies that would lead to the “real karate,” but that he assumed would be similar to his possible karate effort. In short, he had the educational version then sought out the real versions through his three primary sensei and thus created his karate as we understand it today. Is it possible upon presentation he assumed we were smart enough to realize the educational version so that we would work hard to seek out the real version as we progressed thus making the high ranks valid after the time has passed? 

Is it possible he made that honest mistake leading to the later recensions of rank because he was trying to correct his assumptions and error so as to get the American karate-ka back in the corrected direction then was taken in those early years? 

Is it possible that today, many karate-ka, came to realize through exposure to other more effective martial disciplines that later also migrated to the America’s was missing from their training and practices so the effort naturally shifted toward the endeavor to rediscover real karate? 

It seems natural that if true those who focused heavily and exclusively on sport, competition and the benefits those provided decided that the educational version remained simpler, commercially viable and commercially effective so that remains while the more real karate branched off into its own, does that seem plausible? 

These, and many other questions, will remain and remain unanswered leaving theories, idea’s and possibilities because none of this or any other historically significant facts were recorded either socially as to the Island or individually as to dojo sensei, etc.

But, as will all undocumented information on Tatsuo-san, Okinawan and American karate, we will never know and what one believes will always be arbitrary and open to question. 

Note: It is possible that Tatsuo-san did attend the Okinawan educational system up to what we call junior high, but the source researcher feels he may not have attended what we call high school as it was not mandatory of the times in question. He was born in 1908 and the educational karate teaching was running for two to three years so he would have been exposed once he reached school age, right? 

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