Uniqueness of Isshinryu

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In a recent posting of an article written a few years back the statement, “To explain how the techniques of Isshinryu karate differ from other styles of karate (both Okinawan and Japanese), and how it is similar.” A quote from the article, “Isshin Ryu Karate: The Technical Perspective.” by Keith W. Strandberg as printed in the, “Kick Illustrated,” magazine dated February 1983.

My issue with this statement, not necessarily the article itself, is the statement refers to what makes each and every style “Seem” different by simply either an interpretation of a technique or the presentation and demonstration of techniques and kata, etc. by slight variations as to their performance, etc. 

The article goes on to prove its point by discussing the more physical manifestations of its presentations, i.e., the vertical fist, the formation of said fist, the types of blocks in this “Unique” system, low kicks, stepping and stances and movement and the way the kata are taught, practiced and trained. 

I have written an article about just these proverbial unique aspects of Isshinryu that are supposed to make it unique in comparison to other Okinawan and Japanese systems or styles. 

Now that you have read that article, I would first say that regarding the styles or system differences in truth there are none. I say this because we all have a body with arms and legs and torso and head and etc., etc., etc. There are many ways that we may move our bodies be they punching, kicking, moving, etc. but there is one very important factor that applies to the human body, i.e., the body can only move according to certain physics oriented principles.

Let me step back a bit, first, techniques are not all that important overall to the use of the human body in conflicts and/or violent conflicts. The focus on techniques of Isshinryu just meet someone’s agenda toward a human frailty that our group, group dynamics toward human survival as old as human existence in time itself, must be different from other groups to flourish and survive. This is truly balderdash! In order to attack more students then other dojo, a dojo needs to create some symbolic representation that gives that system or style a higher “Perceived” status than others and this is just what happened with this style. 

When you are looking closely to how any system or style applies their methods, perceived as unique to that style of system like the features of Isshinryu vs. the very hard presentation of a system or style called, “Gojuryu.” What you will actually perceive instinctively is how that person, that system or that style does techniques as it would derive from mastery of and application of principles like structure, alignment, centeredness and so on. No matter the system or style of individual if they don’t properly apply principles to what ever presentation demonstrated or used for defense it will not work, it will not have power and force and it will just look pretty, i.e., it will not have the substance that makes it work in the fight!

In order for a system or style to reach a higher status to attack more students they have to dramatize in a way that makes their way appear better than the others. 

Lets use the main corner stone trait of Isshinryu as an example to make a point. It is stated somewhat that the vertical fist is the superior fist for striking in defense. In a very small way the vertical fist and how it is formed is a solid way to make a fist BUT the fist alone is not what makes for a powerful strike, a strike that applies greater force and power to a target. The factors that actually make the vertical fist “Powerful,” for the sake of this exercise, is all the other principles that create the energy, enhance that energy when converted to power and force and finally that support, avoids energy bleed off, the energy to force and power equation when striking. Think of structure and alignment along with movement of mass as well as certain other types of movement and support that maximize force and power to the target. 

First, rooting to the ground and I don’t mean assuming some static stationary stance but having the feet and legs connect adequately to support power and force generation. Second, the structure and alignment of the legs to the hip girdle, i.e., the waist and band surrounding the hara or belly area, the spinal alignment, the shoulder girdle alignment and structure with proper position, then the arms-elbow-wrist structure and alignment and finally the use of the fist (better than the fist is the open hand). As an addendum to this explanation I add that the open hand is superior and one reason why is say this is the fist formation with all those fingers, joints and so on from the wrist to the fist itself all flex and move resulting in a lot of energy bleed off. The other aspects I mention in this paragraph are also about how they also bleed off energy - less energy and you get less power and force, naturally. 

It is relatively easy to reach a unique perception of any discipline toward a goal or agenda often self-promoting and self-soothing. It is easier to look to a subject oriented way of teaching because it is easy. It is more difficult to teach to the student and teach to the fundamental (underlying) principles so most tend to avoid that as if being exposed to the plague. 

The so-called twelve traits of the proverbial differences of system or styles as perceived and seen through the lens of, “Different techniques,” are falsehoods that self-sooth ego’s, pride and group dynamics toward things like status and position but in reality none of them are actually different except in whether they teach, practice and utilize principles rather that taking the easy road through a technique based subject matter oriented way. 

Now I have “Really Pissed Off” some people! There is nothing truly unique about any system or style, it is about personalities and how one fits the other to create a learning environment that meets and satisfies within a better learning environment. Yeahhhhh!!!

Bibliography (Click the link)

p.s. The article referenced and the work of the author are excellent and applicable to certain models, needs and beliefs of martial arts so it should not be taken personally in my expressed views. This view is merely one seat in a great hall or auditorium while there are many other seats filled, to fill and vacant. 

p.s.s. I am a long time practitioner of the Isshinryu system and I love it. It has led me to this point and the way I use it to express principles meets my personality and beliefs. It is an awesome system!

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