The Importance of Diet

Diet meaning the “fuel” you provide your body so it operates. What you put in you body counts. It is what I believe leads to most of the physical issues we all endure in our lives. Not saying that I am perfect in my diet but I try really hard. Some times I just give myself a bonus when I feel good about things. I also do this so I am not totally deprived of the fun stuff in life. 

First, I work diligently to keep away from animal based foods. If I do a meat I try for turkey or chicken and work to keep that consumption at a minimum. Mostly I do well. 

Second, I enjoy and try to eat proteins from a plant based diet with beans and legumes. The specifics here are not important but trying to stay with a plant based diet is. 

Third, when make my lunches for the week I tend to use Salmon that is wild caught and from a can. It usually has every single part of the fish including bones. I put it all into my lunch fixings.

I also eat a lot of fruit when I can. I like at a minimum an apple a day at mid morning breaks. I supplement with other health oriented foods that are not animal based. 

This is fundamentally what I consume at lunches during the week then on weekends my wife and I create simple meals. Now, I readily admit I stray especially when out with friends or when guests come to stay. 

One four day weekend my brother and his son visited so we enjoyed good restaurant food. Restaurant food is not as healthy as some might think. If you read the book, “The End of Over Eating,” you will get a sense of what this means. Regardless, health also comes from connectivity with others, to a point says the introvert in me, so eating out has other non-diet healthy aspects. 

Below are three photo’s of my concoction for lunches. There is mustard, some spices, a variety of vegi’s, salmon, etc. along with Olive Oil, vinegar, etc. added. The flavoring is changing but often I put in spicy like peppers, i.e. jalapeño, etc. to really put in a hot flavor.   

Eating the correct foods means maximizing your health and fitness both short term as to energy and power and long term toward a healthy, fit and better body capable of handling the rigors of life as well as training and practice. 

Finally, I work diligently to remove as much of the “sugar, fat and salt,” from my diet. I believe it is what you do most of the time so the periodic strays are not too bad and are a mental health thing. But to avoid these three to me are important as I firmly believe these are the bane of health issues as well as the health system we live with. 

The close up of my concoction.

In the mixing bowl

Four health days of lunch :-)

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