
Our effectiveness depends a great deal on the associations we create toward stimuli during our lifetimes. Our training can change those associations so that when we enter into an anxiety producing event we will properly associate the right action toward that particular moment - the stimuli, the event. In order to accomplish this we must apply a lot or practice and that practice must be as close to reality as possible. That practice must produce all the effects you will encounter in a real life conflict so as to produce the chemical releases that often adversely effect how we act.

In order to allow for the appropriate associated act to some stimuli to rise up properly we have to train, practice and apply martial effectiveness according to those associations created and the rise to the top over other less appropriate associations when anxiety, fear and anger enter the moment. 

Koka is effectiveness and effectiveness in martial arts means training to the universal fundamental principles of martial effectiveness. Not just the parts that seem relevant and that seem the easiest but "all" the principles. 

It must be remembered that when any reality based event is subjected to controls and conditions the reality is changed. Once you apply controls/conditions to an experiment/training you change the reality. This is why many experiments or scientific studies tend to be skewed because the application of controls and conditions cause the reality of the study or experiment to be changed. 

This makes reality based training most difficult and to achieve true effectiveness all traiing and practice must be tempered by real life experiences. The military works off this forumla. Training, training and more trianing in the hopes that when the combatant reaches true reality of combat they will prevail until the experience of combat changes the effectiveness of training, that is less than reality due to the controls and conditions applied, to reality or real life experiences.

Then it is a matter to continued training and experience to modify and build on personal experiences to achieve better reality or life associations to various and changing stimuli of conflict. 

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