The Ancient Law

The ancient law according to the writings of Musashi Miyamoto, the sword saint, "Hole literary skills in your left hand, martial skills in your right." If the legends are even half true then Musashi started out an ignorant person with the innate skill for fighting. It was his efforts over the years as influenced by others that he sought out knowledge. 

Musashi did seek out the study of ancient classics, etc. according to one legend or story. Considering the art and writings he supposedly left behind this seems valid. His search for knowledge in both strategies and martial skill with the sword balanced his efforts out in a way that left no room for defeat in duels. 

It comes up in other areas of study that the true essence of any discipline, no more so in martial disciplines, that finding balance between the skills of the discipline and the academia or literary skills to make the person well-rounded dominate a sense of balance as in nature, the universe and ourselves. Even today, the coupling of knowledge of the mind along with knowledge or experience of the body make for a well-rounded, solid martial practitioner or any discipline for that matter. 

Even in my system of Okinawan Isshinryu the Isshinryu no Megami holding a fist and open hand represent the duality of knowledge and skill. You could theorize through Tatsuo-san's studies of the classics that he may have also meant it to symbolize holding in the open left hand the search for knowledge through the development of literary skills while the right fist held high to symbolize the grasping of physical ability to carry us through life's struggles, trials and tribulations. 

The I Ching is about dualism and almost every aspect of martial systems is about dualism. To strike with one hand requires the other to be at the opposite or cocked position. We walk with balance due to the dual swing of the arms, one to the front while the other to the rear, etc. so as taught in the studies of the I Ching and other classics there is duality that requires balance to remain active. Unbalance or imbalance is a disruption to the overall balance of life causing rough seas as we row toward our goals and destinations. 

This is something to study, literary skills development, and to keep close to our martial hearts to achieve balance - the true secret to martial skills. 

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