The Power of Ki

Ki no Chikara wo Tsukau (Kee no chee-kah-rah oh T'sue-kow), or "using the Power of Ki." The concept, and use, of ki is ancient in Asia. Several thousand years ago in India and China, men learned through introspection that the blood circulates through the body. [blood circulates like sun and moon?] There is some kind of life-force that permeates the body, can be manipulated by the mind, and reacts to the touch and to the insertion of needles into the pathways of this energy [meridians].

The body is infused with a kind of energy and that this energy can be focused by the mind to alter blood pressure, control pain and do other physical things.

Ki is variously translated as "energy [精]," "spirit  [精]," "mind  [精][精神(せいしん)/ spirit, mind, soul]" and "cosmic breath." The Japanese and other Asians learned long ago   that one can marshal or summon up the power of ki fro a sudden burst of energy by shouting. This should does not have to be kiai itself. It can be any sound, with or without a meaning.

Ki refers to both emotional and spiritual energy. Ki is considered a "cosmic energy," as the animator of life. It was proved over 2,000 year ago, in practices such as acupuncture, that some kind of energy ran throughout the body.

Ki in the Kiai of martial karate can be a slogan, a word, or a nonsensical sound.

DeMente, Boye LaFayette. "The Japanese Samurai Code: Classic strategies for Success." Tuttle Publishing. Vermont. 2004.

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Haragei refers to the art of exuding energy, called ki (kee), from the hara (hah-rah) - the solar plexus in English terms - the large network of sympathetic nerves and ganglia located in the peritoneal cavity behind the stomach, and branching out from there. Matsumoto Sensei defines haragei as the verbal and physical actions one employs to influence others by the potency of rich experience and boldness, and dealing with people and situations through ritual formalities. He also defines it as "emotional communication" - which aptly describes virtually all verbal and non-verbal exchanges between the Japanese.

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Ki is a cosmic energy the Japanese, as well as other Asian cultures, believe to be the animator of life. They, to their thinking and belief system, proved its existence some 2,000 years ago in such practices as acupuncture and in martial arts. They believe, as I do, that there is an energy that runs through our bodies.

Ki is a cosmic energy and sometimes infers the mind, spirit or cosmic breath. Ki is an intricate part of Aikido and the Japanese today have incorporated it as the shout, called kiai, as well into their business model.

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