Anyone who takes the martial arts seriously and has lasted beyond the first crossroads of that path, the coveted shodan black belt crossroads, knows that there are many crossroads in this chosen discipline. It is a microcosm teaching in the dojo that many will recognize in our lives. To me the dojo encounter lets me see, hear and feel the event and allows me to "choose" how I will handle it. This mental training then allows the mind to draw on it to respond to those life events that cause us pause and result in traveling down one or another of life's paths. This is good .... but sometimes the path may deviate drastically away from a more beneficial way and this is where the rubber meets the road.
Often, as those who have endured over time know, we lose promising budo-ka at the first black belt. The newness, excitement and feeling of accomplishment fades into the background. When this occurs often the "what-if monkey" or the "Where to I go monkey" jumps into the driver seat and tries to tell the fledgling black belt that they are done here and need to move on to some other gratifying thrill seeking type way. Resist that and seek out more, shugyo is also here as to austere training because this is your moment. That one defining moment of many moments that will change your life. It is up to you, persevere-endure-remain steadfast, and you can decide. Decide not in the moment of indecision but contemplate it, mull it over and give it time to settle and find a home deep down where it really counts.
Remember it is not something that comes instantaneously. It is not something that will thrill you, give you excitement in the moment and be instantaneously gratifying ... that takes time and there are no shortcuts here. Remain steady, on course and with full wind in your sails no matter the condition of the weather, seas or your heart.
In the end, if you persevere, take the time and find your true way deep down inside you - only you, only you can answer the questions - and no matter the direction you go you can hang your hat on the fact you didn't do things haphazardly and without due considerations. Go forward young "dan-sha" and enjoy the fruits of you labor.
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